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Research and Findings


Research Program

The Driving Health Project aims to develop evidence-based strategies to improve the health of the Australian Truck Driver.

Project Aims

  1. Characterise the physical and mental health of Australian truck drivers, and identify major areas of concern
  2. Identify the work, personal, social, environmental & regulatory factors impacting the health and driving outcomes of Australian truck drivers
  3. Collaborate with transport industry and government stakeholders to co-design health-focused intervention programs

Stage 1 – Work Injury and Illness

In Stage 1 we analysed three large insurance claims databases that provided insight into the health conditions affecting transport workers ability to work. The outcome of this has been the development of a national profile of illness and injury among transport sector workers. This has provided new information on the burden of illness and injury in the transport sector, and is helping to identify populations of workers at high risk for poor health.

Stage 2 – Driver Surveys and Interviews

In Stage 2 we collected information directly from drivers themselves and their families through the following:

1. Online survey of nearly 2000 Australian truck drivers creating a snapshot of their health and wellbeing.

2. Telephone survey of Australian truck drivers providing detailed information on the determinants of health and driving performance outcomes in Australian truck drivers.

3. Interviews with truck drivers and family members identifying barriers and enablers to the wellbeing of truck drivers.

Stage 3 – Intervention Development

In Stage 3 we have combined insights from the first two phases with ‘on the ground’ transport sector knowledge to develop the Driving Health Allocator Training (DHAT). A free 20-min online training program for any person involved in the supervision of truck drivers, including allocators, line managers and supervisors.


Stage 3 Output

Report 9: Direct managers influencing truck driver health – Driving Health Allocator Training (DHAT)

This report describes the results from the intervention phase of the Driving Health study, implementing the Driving Health Allocator Training with direct managers of drivers in the Australian trucking industry.

Report 10: Exploring the Health and Economic Burden Among Truck Drivers in Australia: A Health Economic Modelling Study

This report estimates the work-related mortality burden among truck drivers over a 10-year period.


Stage 2 Output

Report 8 Determinants Impacting Health and Performance of Truck Drivers – Telephone Survey

Report 8, based on in depth survey of 332 truck drivers, provides further insights into a comprehensive list of factors impacting truck driver health and driving performance. This includes factors such as Working environment, Sleep and Fatigue, and Regulatory factors.

Report 7 Uneven Wear: Health and Wellbeing of Professional Truck Drivers – Interviews with Drivers and Family

This report identifies factors influencing and promoting health and wellbeing for truck drivers from their perspectives and that of their family. 

Report 6 Survey of the Physical and Mental Health of Australian Professional Drivers – Online Survey

This report describes the results from the Driving Health Online survey characterising the physical and mental health of Australian truck drivers and the factors impacting health and driving outcomes.


Stage 1 Output

Report 5 Analysis of Life Insurance Claims Data

This report describes the major cause of death claims by Australian transport workers and investigates the trends in death claims over time using life insurance claim data.

Report 4 Use of Medications Following Work-related Injury and Illness in Truck Drivers

This report describes the prevalence, types and cost of medications prescribed to truck drivers following work-related injury.

Report 3 Health Care Use in Truck Drivers

This report examines health care use after injury and illness in Victorian truck drivers. The study also describes four major patterns of health care use and describes predictors of health care

Report 1 Work-related Injury and Illness in the Transport Sector

This report describes the nature, extent and impact of work-related injury and disease in Australian transport and logistics workers.

Report 2 Profile of Work-related Injury and Disease in Truck Drivers

This report profiles work-related injury and disease in Australian truck drivers over a 12 year period.


Latest Publications


Impact of work and coping factors on mental health: Australian truck drivers’ perspective.

Factors Associated with Fatigued Driving among Australian Truck Drivers: A Cross-Sectional Study

Exploring the Health and Economic Burden Among Truck Drivers in Australia: A Health Economic Modelling Study

Timing of Health Service Use Among Truck Drivers After
a Work‑Related Injury or Illness

The physical and mental health of Australian truck drivers: a national cross-sectional study

Work-related Injury and Illness Among Older Drivers In Australia: A Population Based, Retrospective Cohort Study.

Patterns of health service use following work‐related injury and illness in Australian truck drivers: A latent class analysis.



Latest Publications


Impact of work and coping factors on mental health: Australian truck drivers’ perspective.

Factors Associated with Fatigued Driving among Australian Truck Drivers: A Cross-Sectional Study

Exploring the Health and Economic Burden Among Truck Drivers in Australia: A Health Economic Modelling Study

Timing of Health Service Use Among Truck Drivers After
a Work‑Related Injury or Illness

The physical and mental health of Australian truck drivers: a national cross-sectional study

Work-related Injury and Illness Among Older Drivers In Australia: A Population Based, Retrospective Cohort Study.

Patterns of health service use following work‐related injury and illness in Australian truck drivers: A latent class analysis.